Artist Opportunities


Artist Opportunities

Arts by the Sea is Bournemouth’s annual celebration of art, culture, people and place, through which we strive to enhance a sense of community and raise Bournemouth’s profile on a national scale as a leader in culture.

Our festival is an intriguing, exciting and unique carnivalesque celebration of art across many forms. Participatory experience, diverse music, art and dance, site-specific installations and large-scale spectaculars in Bournemouth’s beautiful locations are key to our programme of events.

We aim to increase opportunities for people to participate in the arts, incorporating experiences that offer depth, insight and excitement for our audience.

We value work that can make a strong impact on our audience and our town, supporting artistic work that is relevant, connects with and is meaningful to our audience.

The overarching mission at Arts by the Sea is:

  • To deliver an inspiring and large-scale annual showcase event in Bournemouth, bringing more cultural and creative opportunities to more people.
  • To work with our diverse communities celebrating their culture and creativity and providing more people with inspirational experiences.
  • To contribute to placemaking, breathing life into our public spaces, responding to how our audience use them and inspiring people to see them differently. Celebrating and showcasing our location and the natural environment.

Our Opportunities

General Contributor

General contributors can be artists working in any medium (performance, installation, theatre, outdoor arts). Please use this link to bring your work to the attention of the festival’s programmers.
