
2020 Highlights
Theme - Journeys
Arts by the Sea 2020 asks: Where have we come from and where are we going next?
Journeys are both physical and metaphorical in nature; a lifetime constitutes a journey, and indeed so are the challenges that require you to go the distance. The human experience is defined by the very concept of journeys, from physical expeditions to destinations unknown, through to the personal transformations that accompany lived experiences and relationships.
Contemporary civilisations have become more transient, mobile and well-travelled, introducing the globalisation of new cultures, opportunities and a wider view of human expression and diversity. However, as many people journey from lands of conflict in search of a better life, we are reminded that too many journeys are symptomatic of deep social problems, to which we are yet to find an answer.
And yet, humans are still yearning to journey further. NASA’s Mars 2020 Mission is set to pave the way for an astonishing journey to a place farther away than we have ever been before.
Impact Report
2019 Highlights
Theme - Mind Matter
Arts by the Sea 2019 asks: Is modern life conducive to a positive state of mind?
Despite the UK’s status as one of the richest and most secure countries in the World, and a steadily increasing level of awareness about the importance of mental health, 1 in 4 of people in the UK will be affected by depression, anxiety and other mental health problems at some point in their life. While life is arguably far easier than it was 50 years ago, mental illness is on the rise.
Excessive workloads and pressures in the workplace have also led to the claim that the UK is experiencing a stress “epidemic”. Despite this, talking about mental health issues is still heavily stigmatised, and in many societies around the world, they remain a taboo subject.
In the UK the extent of the problem and its social stigma is also evidenced, perhaps most shockingly, by the disproportionate number of male suicides and the rise in suicides among young people. Causes for this have been cited as everything from loneliness and lack of social connections, to family breakdown and financial problems.
An increasing body of research has, however, found that there are practical ways in which all of us can engage with the issue of mental health for the wellbeing of ourselves and others. There have been five key ways identified, which are: 1. Connect, 2. Be Active, 3. Take Notice, 4. Keep Learning, and 5. Give.
In 2019 Arts by the Sea aims to utilise these five key wellbeing points as anchors to help produce an event that highlights some of these stigmas and taboos around mental health, with a wide range of community projects and creative commissions that aim to leave a lasting legacy for Bournemouth and the surrounding areas, promoting wellbeing in all its forms.
Through the 2019 programming strand, Mind Matter, we aim to explore and challenge current attitudes towards mental health and spark conversations through artwork and installations inspired or influenced by mental health issues and experiences.
Impact Report
2018 Highlights
Theme - New Frontiers
Innovations in the realm of digital technology are accelerating. The ‘Internet of things’, the automation of traditional services and the ubiquitous nature of big data have transformed many societies over a remarkably short period of time. Technology is generating tools and solutions in many developed parts of the world, yet it has also created its own unique problems – from cyber attacks to social media addiction and the dark web. With technology unlocking ever-new potential, while generating many unforeseen challenges, how will technology shape the future prospects of the human species?
The 2018 Arts by the Sea theme will highlight both local and global reflections for what may lie ahead. As the pipe dreams of science fiction begin to parallel modern realities, our visions of the future vary. Some argue that the Internet is now the ‘air we breathe’, and will continue to redefine human civilization as developing countries connect.
Others predict the continued proliferation of the digital industries as new innovations, such as self-driving cars and even planes, approach on the horizon.In the longer term, breakthroughs in space travel, clean energy and medicine, and the conquering of illness and even death, seem not outside the eventual reach of humanity
Impact Report
2017 Highlights
Theme - Plastic Beach
The synthetic quality of modern life has made its mark in the seas. Over the last 30 years, millions of tons of plastic have entered the oceans. Global production of plastic now stands at 288 million tonnes per year, of which 10% ends up in the ocean. Oil, radioactive waste, chemical sewage and most visibly – plastics, have found their way into the oceans and stomachs of marine life. Arts by the Sea 2017 is highlighting this issue through our theme Plastic Beach. We hope you’re entertained but also informed by our performances, and leave the festival inspired by what we can all do to help the environment.
2016 Highlights
Theme - Visions and Voyages
Voyages are varied, but they are all underpinned by the possibility of what lies ahead. These visions of possibility may be half-formed, but they are usually hopeful. The seafront is a timeless symbol of both escape and adventure, and a passage to new lands, creatures and civilisations.
As people throughout time have journeyed across the oceans they have cast new frontiers, and through this, seeded nations. Some journeys are characterised by hedonistic discovery, a joyous release from the daily routine. The less fortunate may journey to reach freedom from danger, or poverty, in a steadfast pursuit of new lands – gravitating towards an unseen future. And yet, even among humanities safest refuges, the voyage beckons. It beckons us out to the seas, up to the skies, and into the cosmos. Will this—the ultimate journey that is human exploration—ever end?