
Timo Peach
Timo Peach is Climate & Futures Storyteller, Presenter and Music Artist.Drawing on a lifetime of work as a distinctive performer, composer, designer, writer, events creative, speaker and host, his personal passion as an arts champion and creative business encourager is to connect more of us to the possibilities found in the challenges of the 21st century – and to understand more about art’s practical magic for changing the stories we think we’re in.
He is the bloke from Momo:tempo, the voice of Unsee The Future and Creative Director of Momo:zo. A member of the Association of Sustainability Practitioners and associate nature communicator with AimHi Earth, he is currently creative director of The Battery Tour with UN Young Leader AY Young and co founder of the emerging Rogue Futures Initiatives.
Author of “UTF! How to think like an artist and change the world”, he is deep into developing “The Shape of Things To Hum – an electro cabaret musical to end the end of the world”.